Sunday, April 4, 2010

Cathedral 4/4/10

It's been a couple of weeks. I'm still busy, just doing more than carve. First it's been cold until last week. When it did warm up a little we went to work cleaning out the garage. Now we can see parts of the floor that we haven't seen for years. We're so proud.

What carving I did was a mixed bag. Just after roughing out the Great Wall of China, all three inches of it, I was landscaping around it when an errant chisel blow turned half of it from a mountain into a valley. Oh well, at least I hadn't spent a lot of time on detail yet.

After reroughing the wall I moved on to roughing the cathedral (shown). Next I'm going to rough out a three inch tall carving of me sitting down directly under the cathedral carving away at the base.

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