Sunday, April 4, 2010

Fame and Infamy

There are four LEDs mounted behind the door. The pipe lights up when it is standing on it's base. There are male plugs in the rear two legs with small electronic components inside the skirt. Power comes from a transformer, etc hidden inside the curio cabinet.


Years ago I read that a childhood friend of Lincoln's assassin told of this incident. The perp, the scion of a famous family, told his friends that he wished he could have been the guy who brought down the Collossus of Rhodes.

Later, I learned that an arsonist had destroyed the Temple of Artemis, one of the original seven wonders, in 356 BC. He said he did it because he wanted to be famous.

Later a scion of another famous family hatched a plot to fly airliners into landmarks - because he wanted to be more famous?

The Info age has made 15 minutes of fame an entitlement available to anyone who wants it. There is a fraction of humanity that will always choose to get most bang for their self promo buck the easy way, with violence.

The punishment: We should take a page from the Greeks back in 356 BC. Part of that sentence was a proclamation to erase the perp's name from history, before he was executed. Today we shower perps with what they want most - long before, and continually until - a verdict/sentence is ever achieved.

You'll notice that I never used names. Neither should anyone else, including you. Call it preventive medicine on a social level. You can still talk about them, just generically. "An un-named suspect" would do very nicely, thank you. No pictures, no film at 11, no bestowed infamy. Please.

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