Thursday, April 8, 2010

Corruption and the T party

Delusions of Grandeur in meerschaum
The guy sitting down is the boss's son-in-law.


I'm a Vietnam vet. A naive 22 year old when I got there, I was a believer. My dad served in WWII, Grampa was in WWI, there was even an ancestor killed in the Civil War. It was my turn to go and I let myself be drafted.

They made me a clerk. When I got to Nam I was stationed at Long Binh, a huge base. I never knew the meaning of the word corruption till I got there. It was so bad that when the '68 election came along I couldn't vote for my childhood hero HHH. As VP, if he didn't know how bad it was he should have. I couldn't vote for Tricky Dick either.

Since then it's been one thing after another. Watergate was bad enough. Then Reagan admitted he was selling weapons to the same people he blamed for killing 242 Marines in Beirut. I was aghast. The worst guys I knew in Nam gave aid and comfort to Charlie and the C in C had just admitted to worse. He should have died in prison for that.

When the Iraq war started the civilian subcontractors lined up around the block for the big salaries. They all said they wanted to serve but the military didn't pay enough. I got news for them. Patriotism is a freebie. Millions of Americans have died hideous deaths in service with nothing but chump change in their pockets.

If you're angry about corruption in gummint, where have you been all these years? We have the government we deserve. It is a perfect reflection of the population at large. I've worked with T party types for 40 years. When they're not bad mouthing authority, whether it's government or management, they're trashing everyone else out of ear shot. The three finger rule applies. When they point a finger at someone else they've got three fingers pointed at themselves.

Meanwhile, they spend so much time belly aching and so little time working that their jobs are being outsourced and they have no one to blame but themselves.

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