Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Where have all the jobs gone?

I've been a blue collar worker since I got home from Vietnam 40 years ago. I've watched up close as entire industries went off shore. I don't blame management. I sure wouldn't want to pay many of my coworkers for what they think of as work. The American work force has no one to blame but itself for outsourcing.

That said, as a Vietnam vet I watched as our best and brightest gave it all to satisfy a narcissist society bent on proving it could go anywhere, do anything to anyone who didn't toe our line. We've joined that long list of former world powers that burst on the scene like a giant zit only to revert to being a mere scar on the planet. Our ruins (infrastructure) are already dotting the landscape. The one thing we have in common with all those historic world powers is that there is only one place to go but down.

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